
国際交流 活動の様子

A new ALT coming !! 新しくALT先生が着任しました!

A New Assistant Language Teacher (ALT)

started to teach English at Johnouchi! 

Ms. Carol Anne Bradfield






On Thursday, May 20, we welcomed Ms. Carol, a native of the United States, to our school. The students and staff are very excited to have a long-awaited native English teacher at the school. We expect that she will gradually familiarize herself with Japanese school life, culture, and customs, and contribute to the development of English education at our school, a leader in English education in Tokushima Prefecture.

She will be in charge of Grade 4-6 (15 ~ 18 years old).

A greeting from Ms. Carol is included below.


【Inauguration Speech 】

Hello everyone! 
My name is Carol Bradfield and I'm honored to be working with Johnouchi's Senior High School and Secondary School students as the Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) this year. I come from America, specifically the state of Florida, which is known for its beaches, theme parks, citrus fruits, and year-round sunny weather, which is similar to Tokushima Prefecture!

While at Johnouchi, I hope to create a classroom environment full of cross-cultural exchange and thought-provoking conversations. I'm eager to share my American traditions and culture with my classes, as well as to learn more about the Japanese language and culture through my experiences in and out of the classroom.

Moreover, I'd like to express my gratitude to the teachers and students who have been so helpful and welcoming during my first week at Johnouchi. I wish everyone a fulfilling academic year and look forward to the English conversations we'll have in the coming weeks.

私はキャロル・ブラッドフィールドと申します。今年度、城ノ内中等教育学校・高等学校のALT(Assistant Language Teacher)として生徒たちと一緒に働けることを光栄に思っています。私はアメリカから来ました。フロリダはビーチやテーマパーク、柑橘類で有名で、徳島県と同じように一年中晴天が続いています。

