
英会話部 活動の様子

高校生英語ディベート部 世界大会(香港)出場報告


3rd Linkbate Debating Championships 参加報告 



8月8日から10日にかけて、オンライン上のMixideaにて実施された3rd Linkbate Debating Championshipsに、本校English Debating Societyから3チーム(石田汐璃・松浦有芙、槇ここな・井上春香、河井勇大・横畠惺)が出場しました。ほとんどの生徒にとっては2戦目の世界大会になりましたが、初めて世界大会に出場した生徒もおり、非常にいい緊張感ももと大会に参戦できました。

この大会は、British Parliamentスタイルであり、各チーム2人構成で、20分間の準備のあと、各自7分間のスピーチをします。1ラウンドに4チームが戦い、各ラウンドでは1位~4位の順位がつけられ、7ラウンドを通して、1位と2位に入った数等を競います。10日の決勝ラウンドでは選ばれたチームだけで優勝を争いました。

この大会には約180名の選手が世界各国から集まり、ディベートをしました。生徒は、日頃耳にしない、バングラディッシュやインドの英語、またその他各地域のアクセントを持つGlobal English を楽しみながら、ディベートができました。大会を通して、ラウンドをこなす毎に生徒のディベート力の成長を耳で感じることができ、本当にうれしい気分になりました。





Round 1
THW legalize euthanasia. (安楽死を合法化すべきだ)
(Info Slide)
Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering (physical and/or mental). Patients must provide informed consent before undergoing euthanasia.

Round 2
THW abolish all private schools at the primary and secondary level. 


Round 3
THW abolish all patents. (全ての特許を廃止すべきだ。)
(Info Slide)
A patent is a form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from profiting off an invention for a limited period of years. If violated, the patent holder can sue the person/organization infringing the patent in order to enforce his or her rights.

Round 4
Assuming the technology exists, THS genetic engineering to make humans more resistant to the effects of climate change. (環境変化により耐久性のあるヒトを作るための遺伝子工学を支持すべきだ)

(Info Slide)
Genetic engineering is the process of using technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism before they are born. Genetic engineering involves the direct manipulation of one or more genes. For instance, making humans more resistant to extreme temperatures, able to live in more acidic environments etc

Round 5
THW transfer the majority ownership of professional sporting clubs to non-profit organizations managed by elected members within their local communities.

(Info Slide)
Professional sporting clubs are large commercial organizations with professional players which have teams which regularly compete at the highest level of the sport. Examples include Manchester United (football), Sydney Sixers (cricket) and the Dallas Cowboys (Rugby).

Round 6
THBT the feminist movement should actively work with liberal religious leaders to change the religions' perception about women. 

(Info Slide)
Liberal religious leaders have more socially progressive interpretations of scripture and religious texts, for instance are usually more open to accepting members of the LGBT community as compared to more conservative religious leaders.

Round 7
This House, as developing nations, would prioritize local industries over foreign MNCs (e.g. subsidize local car brands and tax foreign imported cars).

(Info Slide)
A Multi-National Corporation (MNC) is a corporate organization that owns or controls production of goods or services in at least one country other than its home country.