【後期】英語ディベート大会 The Kansai参加報告
英語ディベート大会 The Kansai参加報告
3月18日(土)~19日(日)に大阪公立大学で開催されたパーラメンタリーディベート大会 The Kansai(大学生・社会人向け)に本校英会話部 English Debating Societyから齋藤遥(高1生)・堤遥菜(高1生)・石田理沙(中3生) の3名が参加しました。約3年ぶりのオフライン大会に参加し、生徒たちにとっては、初めてのオフライン大会でもありました。日本でも非常に有名な大会の1つ、The Kansaiに中学生と高校生の時から出場できる機会を持てたことは大きな財産になると思います。ディベート自体も、自分たちの力より数段上のディベーター相手に善戦しており、1勝あげることもできました。今後の成長に期待します。
①TH, as the RNC (Republican Party), would stop Trump from running for the US presidential election in 2024.
②THBT the EU should cut structural funds to member states that undermine civil and political rights. (e.g. restrict court independence, reduce media and academic freedom, etc.)
③THBT western pharmaceutical companies should release their patents during pandemics.
①THBT universities should refrain from hiring Nigel Biggar
(information) Nigel Biggar, a professor of theology at the University of Oxford, recently published a book 'Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning'. In this book, he acknowledges the brutal aspects of the British colonial rule but argues that the British Empire was often motivated by a strong sense of "Christian humanitarianism" and the use of violence was "essential" to any state as "the deterrence of others through fear". Through this logic, he defends many atrocities like the British-led slave trade and the Amritsar massacre of 1919. The book is heavily criticised as determinedly revisionist, provocative and foolhardy.
(参照)オックスフォード大学の神学教授であるナイジェル・ビガーは、最近、著書「Colonialism, A Moral Reckoning: A Moral Reckoning 」を出版しました。本書で彼は、英国の植民地支配の残虐な側面を認めながらも、大英帝国はしばしば「キリスト教的人道主義」の強い感覚に突き動かされており、暴力の行使は「恐怖による他者の抑止」としていかなる国家にとっても「不可欠」だったと主張する。この論理を通して、イギリス主導の奴隷貿易や1919年のアムリトサル虐殺など、多くの残虐行為を擁護している。本書は、決定的に修正主義的であり、挑発的であり、無鉄砲であると激しく批判されている。
②TH opposes celebrity activism (セレブリティ・アクティビズムに反対すべきだ)
(Information) Celebrity activism is a term to describe the active advocation for social movements done by celebrities. Typical acts by celebrities include the use of their wealth and notoriety in campaigns, establishing funds, and speaking in influential conventions.
Examples of celebrities advocations:
• Leonardo Di Caprio and climate change
• Angelina Jolie humanitarianism
• Taylor swift in feminism
- レオナルド・ディ・カプリオと気候変動
- アンジェリーナ・ジョリー人道主義
- フェミニズムにおけるテイラースウィフト
③TH, as Cristiano Ronaldo, regrets the transfer to Saudi Arabia over staying in Europe.
(Information) Christiano Ronaldo, a five times Ballon d'Or winner and one of the most famous and successful football player (not soccer btw) in the world, has recently joined a Saudi Arabian club team Al-Nassr.
Ronaldo, now 38, is noticed with declining physical ability and has had a disappointing season with his last team Manchester United and at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
His contract with Manchester United had been terminated during the World Cup 2022 in Qatar, and Al-Nassr's offer was a 2.5 year contract until June 2025, and is said to have the highest annual pay for a footballer.
Al Nassr is arguably not the best team in Saudi Arabia, and has poor achievement records in Asian Tournaments.
①THBT social movements in the West should heavily prioritise issues in developing countries as opposed to issues in their own countries
②THBT feminist movement should focus on encouraging men to lean out rather than encouraging women to lean in.
(Information) "Lean in" promotes the value of assertiveness and it encourages people to get aggressively included in business and ambitious career development. "Lean out" promotes the value of cooperation and considering the needs of others.
(リーンイン "は、自己主張の価値を高め、積極的にビジネスに参加し、意欲的にキャリアアップしていくことを促します。「リーンアウト」は、協調性や他者のニーズを考慮することの価値を促進するものです。)
③THO the academisation of social justice movements(e.g. the prominence of Judith Butler in feminism, the use of liberation theology in Latin America, the frequent use of terms like microaggression, intersectionality etc.)
(Information) "Academisation" refers to the increasingly significant presence of academics and academic terminology, processes, and structures in many parts of the world.
①THBT state should not restrict on how welfare recipients are allowed to spend their payments (excluding child benefits) (生活保護受給者の使い道を国が制限すべきではない(児童手当を除く)、是か非か)
②THW legalize drugs in areas where they are highly prevalent. (薬物の普及率が高い地域で薬物を合法化すべきだ)
③THBT states should stop funding art. (州はアートへの助成を止めるべきである)